Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ski Jacket On Sale Europe

26.05.10 Xing XING groups successfully moderate

XING groups moderate

Building a social media community, and successfully manage

Almost 3,000 XING-ModeratorInnen/XING -community managers from Austria care with growing popularity of hundreds of Austrian XING groups (see RanXING Top 100 Austria).

The motivation is high, since full employment, the growing group of members (300,000 ÖterreicherInnen, 80%, 40% higher in Management positions, 61% with university degree see XING Media data) on the largest German business platform XING presents huge Potentialien for topics, companies, regions, human resources, acquisition, business, private interests and networking especially on high quality level.

for the value of your community members / community / group facilitators and share time, energy, acquisition cost, content, but also often an emotional and capital and is not always the desired result out there.

* So what difference does it make your web community to build successful ...?
* What hand tools are needed to achieve your goals ...? be
* What short-, medium-and long-term use will lead to ...?
& * How is the framework within which a monetization possible ...?
* How to promote constructive communication ...?
Events and Newsletter ...?

More information and registration

Following are the participants and invited others to an open unmoderated relaxed exchange. Room and board the evening event with each: participant: in itself.

Michael Rajiv Shah
Official XING coach for Austria

more information, group facilitation Top 100 Austria - Code of Conduct - Setup Guide for groups - XING help groups - requesting XING group - moderators groups - like we are personally responsible for individual questions & Strategic training, consultancy and community development.


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