A small walk through the forest to the contact strategy
Also sometimes the forest for the trees contact not see?
threaten you in a permanent flow of data from Facebook, Twitter and Xing drown? Here you learn the effective use of lists and tags - so you never lose the forest for the trees out of sight.
How can I "cuttings" differ little from large & trees, shrubs?
Imagine if they could only a certain kind of seed Focusing your seed!
When & Where are the time and place to qualify its network?
How to build a category structure with which I see only certain people?
What must I do to be seen only by certain sections of?
Strategically your network of contacts to build and use
forest walk to the Contact Strategy # osmp8 share
- When: 17/09/2010 16:00 - 19:00 clock
- Where: 27 . OG in Floridotower
- Who: Max 6 participants
- How much: € 55.55 nett / € 66.66 gross
... More Info # OSMP
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