Monday, August 30, 2010

Stolen Burton Snowboard

30/08/10 Who can read it all? # # 7 OSMP

in the social media info FLOOD over the water surfing

Three Twitter accounts, four Facebook fan pages, and a XING profile will be managed. In this workshop we will introduce you to tools that allow you to draw not only your data stream, but also increase the response to a measurable level - let tools like Twitter and Hootsuite TweetDeck or shorts as tinyurl and greet.

Why we do it at all, regularly challenge the attention?
How can we measure the response and interaction and specifically do?
What tools are required for different types of networking particularly well used?
How important is solely targeted to the unique use of RSS feeds?
What I have to inform the particular worry? surf

on the social media wave is the goal
above water in the flood of social media # osmp6 share
  • When: 30.08.2010 16:00 - 19:00 clock
  • Where: 27 OG in Floridotower
  • Who: Max 6 participants
  • How much: € 55.55 nett / € 66.66 gross
What is the # OSMP - open social media peer group

... More Info # OSMP
... to register

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Visa For Mauritians Travelling To India

Places - questionable attitude

Facebook Places ( article on: Facebook Places reveals where, when and with whom it is composed ) seems now to be released outside the United States, including Austria.

When you visit Facebook you can see them but at first glance to anything.
That's not really bad. Concern is that the default of privacy - as always and everywhere on Facebook - can reveal everything that is humanly possible.

The - in my view - precarious setting affects the possibility to announce that friends can find you happen to be. And without even unaware of it.
I think a more detailed reason why I think this attitude is extremely questionable is redundant.

I urge them to change, at least in this setting.

This is chosen in the top right of your profile under " account" the " privacy settings "

Under " content on Facebook Share " " Custom (if not already selected) and below" Custom Settings "

Under" things that I share " the setting " me in the" people who are here now "'s section after I have indicated, where I am " set to your preference.

The main setting is under " things that other people share " find " friends can specify that I am at a place "

Please spread the word!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Walima Card Wording In Urdu

25.08.10 XING groups get the most # Vienna

XING groups moderate

A successful social media community manage and build

Again it is ready. The fourth best use XING group seminar. My personal conclusion of the first meetings in the Florido on Mind Mapping in the seminar, I was already ( see link ), so my part to assess the needs of current participants:

If you find yourself you are right ...!

A trip to the statistics of the Austrian Austrian XING groups (Vol 5 appears as late as June - Vol 4 on 13/01/2010 ) will show that the trend in XING times just incidentally 'make' a group is broken . XING groups with / without no gain / activity are unfortunately quantitatively in the majority.

situation of past participants:
There is an existing, in development and / or expansion to contain business model, vision, mission, and in any case a legitimate concern in social networking media (social media). You 'approach is aware that the concerns of time and money thus a major investment, although still often how great this could be.

wishes of past participants:
  • organize events
  • customer loyalty and service over networks maintain
  • group dynamics in the moderators team control
  • acquisition of as much as possible contacts for a particular idea
  • Targeted Newsletter
  • activity / discussion / skills with group members
  • alumni use as an employee and customer loyalty in the Group
Was there something there ...?

... further information and registration

When: 25/08/2010 13:00 - 18:00 clock
Where: 27 OG in Floridotower
Who: You + max. 5 Other

Michael Rajiv Shah
Official XING coach for Austria

more information, group facilitation Top 100 Austria - Code of Conduct - Setup Guide for groups - XING help groups - requesting XING group - Moderators groups - like we are personally responsible for individual questions & Strategic training, consultancy and community development.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Has Anyone Used Maca Menopause

20:08:10 Forget 4 Marketing P's OSMP # # 6 26/07/10

All good things come in THREE

personality - Perspective - Passion

This workshop will sharpen your online profile so that it brings you the contacts that match Ihner economic uniqueness.

Why the skillful weaving of soft skills to real contacts out!
How to develop the "7-P Marketing" in social media its effect? What
looking at you potentially interested in networking world really?
Which social media profile is to be fed with what Soft-/Hard-Fact-Informationen?
How do I switch the light on in my social media storefront? be

seen in the uniqueness of your actions share
your social web profiles in self-marketing # osmp6
  • When: 20/08/2010 16:00 - 19:00 clock
  • Where: 27 OG in Floridotower
  • Who: Max 6 participants
  • How much: € 55.55 nett / € 66.66 gross
What is the # OSMP - open social media peer group

... More Info # OSMP
... to register

Friday, August 6, 2010

Slogan For Role Youth In Election

All good reasons are three: Dropbox cause!

After I (not only) for professional reasons I used to use heterogeneous environments (hardware and operating systems), synchronization and usually "unauthorized access" as via a browser, a constant theme. test

The idea dropbox this is not new. The last kick for doing it was missing, until now.

Today was done: The first two, sometimes appearing and disappearing, joined by the third Reason.

first Curiosity

Although I (I think at least) from drop box had already heard or read made me first Robert Lender with his contributions (eg " Dropbox: More than an online hard disk ") to " Just a blog "in the central zone of curiosity.
He has also contributed to the way the tests around his blog snippets to overcome static friction in my direction Posterous . He turns out to be so lately as universieller supplier for ideas. Thanks for that Robert!

2. Requirements

In the course of several weeks over protracted round envelope, my project-based, with different tools on different systems to be processed stuff everywhere to make available increased the demand pressure.

third A cry for help

chirped Around midnight a cry for help to a vexing problem with my Drop Box timeline on Twitter .
Once I help you and tricky problems are always a favorite subject, I set out to investigate. In Forum Dropbox I had become the problem and find it, but unfortunately got a negative response after disclosure of the information. Without a drop box with 140 characters per message via Twitter, and in view of the time I refrained to conduct root cause analysis. True to the motto "Nothing's impossible!" was clear, the time is ripe for Dropbox!


Dropbox runs in test mode on my "pimped vintage " IBM / Lenovo Think Pad X41 Tablet Series under Windows XP Tablet PC Edition and on a desktop PC running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Lucid Lynx .

The cause of the failure of the attempt to solve problems from a distance seems to be clear. The wording in the forum is not very accurate and I have not seen in ignorance of the product. After I had the running part, I could understand the way to the solution better and go to my desktop successfully. Now it's wait and see whether (had to reach 140 characters via Twitter) my formulation of the solution to better understand and arrived after reveille, and to hear success is twittering.

Posted by email from thehefi's posterous