On Sunday 15 Novemver 2009 I have from about 13:00 clock until late at night, fascinated Twitter the 63rd Land Assembly of the Vienna Open, held at the Austria Center followed.
Yes, on Twitter!
There was no live stream on the network (which some of read along at home - like me - criticized in view of the prevailing tension), so have a number of very committed people reporting directly from the event via Twitter, and many have from home or on the go their equally exciting mustard added.
How I became aware of this action, I do not remember exactly, but I think it was in a tweet (Twitter message) to the " Wolfgang Lorenz Memorial Award for internet free minutes" that the Greens on 14 have won November 2009. Under the title first "shit-Internet" award goes to Vienna Green have and derStandard.at heise online reported. Also this was the hashmark # tweeted wolo09 hard.
Why did the whole thing myself at all interested?
First, because I witnessed as a Twitter-Embryo with curiosity such a live event once Twitter wanted and secondly because it was voted at the event on who will be ranked on what list position for the Vienna municipal council elections in 2010.
Why was the turn of interest?
If any of the above linked article has read about the # wolo09 will already know: Because
ahead enough vortex was rejected by the support of interested non-members.
And also because the choice of mode was highly unusual.
Here I would now like to offer a link, but on the side to election was the mode dial away. I can only point to this page . This is not a wise move, because the article on derStandard.at has a link to go there, each of the lands now in the imprint, will think his part. Seen in: # wolo09 rightly received!
I joined just in time, when it came to the places 5-8. Current
was diligently reported by the local audience on the mood in the hall and through the speeches of candidates, which in turn led to a lot of comments by return of the absent.
were elected on the first ballot, candidates are each 8 (4 men, 4 women), from which were then 4 (2 men, 2 women) in the second round of voting on the actual list. Thus, there were always two spaces per 4 List thrillers for the candidates, voters and the Observers.
And in each case before, between and after election recommendations for the candidates who had not (yet) done.
It really was the entire time - and that was with me at least eight hours - thrilling and exciting. have lost so much so that I get the cigarettes in a break. bring
following tweet from Sunday it to the point:
digiom: am now almost 2 hours longer than expected at # gruenelv - democracy is a virus! http://twitpic.com/pnkjc
To read up on Twitter: There were Hasmark # gruenevw and # gruenelv was (on the way Sunday, according dwitter and Twitter Trends almost always among the first three and often topped the German charts for Twitter - and in spite unibrennt # # unsereuni, as well as many Tweets # lowering the death of Robert Enke also at the Sunday memorial service held in the AWD Arena in Hannover) was used.
I would especially like Susan Zoehrer, who tweeted diligently not only as @ TheSandworm , but also on her blog " The Sandworm's Weblog " immediately after the announcement of each result of each ballot has now provided (and in between Stimmungsbereichte). Oh yes, she also has chosen!
Here hindsight in blogs of Twitter:
@ gerald baeck BäckBlog
@ klapautz Blog
And of elected candidates:
@ marcoschreuder Blog
@ ArminSoyka Blog