Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poke Battle Revolution Rom

DC continues with # ampunkt

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Prognosis Secondary Liver And Lymph Cancer

When a bundle with Creo element / Direct can not load

In Creo element / Direct Modeling (formerly CoCreate Modeling) can you save the type "bundle" option. Here, the model together with the annotation in a drawing file with the extension ". Bdl" is stored. Now it may happen that modeling these files to load. The cause may be a corrupt drawing annotation, because it is loaded before the model. The failure to load the drawing, the model is also not loaded, although it is still intact if necessary.
If only the drawing being corrupt, there is an easy way to still get at the model. can you change the file extension of the bundle file. "bdl" in ". zip", one the "bundle-Archiv" opened with a standard decompressor. There you will find both the file of the model (in package format), and the annotation drawing.